View Full Version : Sometimes, things just don't go your way...

06-26-2009, 01:36 AM
So I'm starting to work on my T. Figure I want to address all the various aliments, and also get my PowerLogger installation updated to the latest drivers and a newer release that has the gear indicators right on the graphical display. Parts and chips have showed up, and decided its time to get into the game.

Since I finally found the plug that shorts the "in" side of the serial bus of the Innovative LC-1, I thought I'd try to try to connect to that real quick. Took the laptop I use in the car out in the garage (an old Dell CPXj) and run the Innovative software. Well, I powered up the laptop and...lights...no drive noise. *sigh* Fiddled with it awhile. No dice. Drive is seized. And the drive is only a few years old. I changed it myself. :nope:

*shrug* No big deal. Always carry a spare, right? I grab another laptop I have. Hadn't yet installed PL or Innovative LogWorks. So, first go to http://fullthrottletech.com/ to grab the latest PL software. Umm...no site there. Nor is the Full Throttle site there. :ow:

*sigh* Next thing you know, Michael Ja...awww...nevermind. :blah:

06-27-2009, 10:58 AM
looks like its back up now Scott

06-27-2009, 04:41 PM
Yep...have the software all installed now. And a new laptop on the way. Going to try one of the smaller 10.1" models. The 8.9" ones I saw in the store were just WAY too tiny.

Next trick will be getting LogWorks to talk to the wideband. The sensor seems to be fine and reporting the PL. But the software might need to be reinstalled.

On...and I need to install the injectors. Working in 100F, inside or out, is not inviting.

06-27-2009, 04:47 PM
yeah its 110 in the shade here in south Texas